Developing VR Applications
VR Is the future. Everyone talking about how Virtual Reality and how Augmented Reality is going to change our life. Learn now how to be part of the most adavanced technology coming in hand. Put your hand to code and your mind into creating awesome applications using the most advanced techniques. Learn VR now.
Samsung and Oculus have teamed up to power Samsung's premium smart phone line with its own dedicated virtual reality headset. With its own on-board sensors, a touch pad and adjustable optics the Gear VR creates an attractive mobile VR experience at a very reasonable price assuming you already have one of the premium compatible phones. With a Gear VR shipping for free with every S7 pre-order the number of Gear VR devices in the hands of consumers is likely to reach into the millions by the end of the year. In addition, there is a dedicated Oculus Store on which developers can distribute, promote and get paid for their content. With all of these advantages it is a very compelling case to create apps for the Gear VR. In this free mini course I will take you through the basics of creating games and experiences using the Unity game engine for the Samsung Gear VR.