Node.JS Course

In this course we will create a command line application to retrieve user's profile information from the Treehouse website. We'll be writing our application in JavaScript to run on the Node.js platform.
What you'll learn
Write command line applications in Node.js
Talk to an API with Node.js
Organize your code with modules
Deal with streams
Handle with errors
Introduction to Node.js
Node.js is a JavaScript environment that allows you to perform a multitude of tasks and build all sorts of exciting applications. In this section we'll discuss, what node is, why you'd use it and how to use it.
7 steps
Hello World
The Console
3 objectives
JavaScript without the Browser
Why use Node.js?
The Tools at our Disposal
Review Introduction to Node.js
10 questions
Building a Command Line Application
Node.js can be used to make all sorts of applications. In this section we'll build our project, a command-line application to retrieve student's profile information from the Treehouse API.
16 steps
Preparation and Planning
Making a GET Request with http
Making a GET Request with http
4 objectives
Handling Errors in Node
Handling Errors in Node
3 objectives
Getting the Response Body
Getting the Response Body
2 objectives
Parsing JSON
Parsing JSON
1 objective
Handling Parsing and Status Code Errors
Using try and catch
2 objectives
Handling Parsing and Status Code Errors
3 questions
Organizing Your Code with require
Organizing Your Code with require
3 questions
Perfecting: Getting Multiple Profiles
Perfecting: Getting Multiple Profiles
3 questions
Extra Credit
If you're done adding additional functionality to this project, why not create a command line application that takes a Zip Code or Postal Code and it retrieves the forecast for today.
For example:
node forecast.js 90210 has an API you could use.